2009年3月27日 星期五

2009/03/31 - SiteTag 服務改版升級公告 (Service upgrade and revamp)


感謝您對 SiteTag 的支持與愛護,我們將於 2009/03/31~ 2009/04/01 進行服務的改版升級。在轉換期間,SiteTag 將短暫停止會員註冊及資料更新,嵌入在網站內的追蹤程式、標籤雲、文章標籤列表,仍然正常運作,請您放心。

在升級完成後,SiteTag 將以全新的面貌呈現,敬請期待!

再次感謝您愛用 SiteTag

- SiteTag

Dear users,

Thanks for your support for SiteTag. We are going to upgrade and revamp service during 2009/03/31 ~ 2009/04/02. In period of transition, member registration and data update will be stopped temporarily. Don't worry, the tracking code, tagcloud and tag list embedding in your
website will keep working as usual.

After upgrading, SiteTag will show you whole new experience.

Thanks for supporting SiteTag again.

- SiteTag

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